阿斯伯格综合征 Asperger Syndrome

‘Asperger syndrome’is no longer used as a diagnostic term for autism and is considered controversial due to the history of Hans Asperger, which is summarised below.阿斯伯格综合征不再作为孤独症的诊断术语。因其与汉斯-阿斯伯格本人的历史相关,因而被视作争议的说法,总的来说原因如下:

Historically, Asperger syndrome was used as a diagnostic term for some autistic people who did not also have a diagnosis of a learning disability. Broadly, it is now agreed that what was referred to as Asperger syndrome is part of the autism spectrum and there is no need for a separate term.历史上,阿斯伯格综合征用于部分无学习障碍的孤独症人群诊断。现今,阿斯伯格被认为是孤独症谱系障碍的一种,不再需要独立的称谓。

Some people who received a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome continue to use this terminology to refer to themselves. Others do not, usually for two reasons: because the term is no longer used officially; and because of revelations about the Austrian psychiatrist Hans Asperger, who Asperger syndrome was named after and who was complicit with the Nazis.一些确诊人士仍沿用这一术语指代自身的状况。其他人士却不再使用,原因有二:一、该术语不再属于官方用语;二、奥地利精神学家汉斯-阿斯伯格,也就是阿斯伯格综合征得名所在,与纳粹有串通行为。

The history of Asperger and Asperger syndrome阿斯伯格及阿斯伯格综合征的历史

The term ‘Asperger syndrome’ was introduced to the field of autism research in the 1980s by the British psychiatrist Dr Lorna Wing, a cofounder of the National Autistic Society and a consultant to the NAS Lorna Wing Centre until her death in 2014. Dr Wing pioneered the idea that autism is a spectrum condition and did so with reference to Hans Asperger’s much earlier work, which noted marked differences between autistic children.阿斯伯格综合征于20世纪八十年代由英国精神病学家Lorna Wing博士(英国国家孤独症协会创始人之一,担任协会Lorna Wing中心顾问直至2014年辞世)引入孤独症研究领域。Wing博士率先提出孤独症是一种谱系,她也述及汉斯 阿斯伯格非常早期提出了孤独症儿童之间存在的显著差异。

While the concept of autism being a spectrum condition is considered important and useful today, explicit reliance on Hans Asperger’s work is now controversial. Hans Asperger worked with the Nazis during the Holocaust and his abhorrent descriptions of some autistic children as being less ‘worthwhile’ than others led to dozens of children being sent to a Nazi clinic, where they were murdered.如今,孤独症的谱系障碍特征已非常显著,且得到广泛应用,对汉斯-阿斯伯格的成果是否应当明确肯定,也是当今的一大争议点。大屠杀时期,汉斯-阿斯伯格与纳粹共事,他曾恶劣地将部分儿童描述为“价值较低”人群,导致几十名儿童被送往纳粹诊所,惨遭杀戮。

There had previously been debate about how much Hans Asperger knew about what the Nazis were doing, and whether in fact his work had saved some autistic children from death. However, more recent research has discredited this narrative by showing that Hans Asperger was aware that he was sending children to their death at a Nazi ‘euthanasia’ clinic and had made statements in line with the Nazi regime’s murderous ideology of ‘racial purity’. 之前曾有汉斯-阿斯伯格对纳粹暴行知晓程度多少,他的工作到底有否拯救孤独症儿童免于死亡的争议。然而,最近的研究(点击上文带下划线英文单词查看相关资料)得出了汉斯-阿斯伯格对将儿童送往杀人纳粹“麻醉”诊所的行为有所了解,并且曾多次发表与纳粹政权“种族清洗”观念一致的声明。

Asperger syndrome as a diagnostic term阿斯伯格综合征作为诊断用语

Asperger syndrome became an official diagnostic term in 1992 with its inclusion in the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD10), and in the 1994 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-4) in America. The diagnosis was retired in the next editions of these publications, the DSM-5 in 2013 and the ICD11 in 2019, when it was folded into the diagnosis of ‘autism spectrum disorder’. 阿斯伯格综合征1992年正式用于临床诊断,载入第十版国际疾病分类手册(ICD10),1994年进入美国《诊断与统计手册:精神障碍》(第四版)(DSM-4)。2013年DSM-5和2019年ICD11正式将其去除,并入“孤独症谱系障碍”。

As a result of these changes, Asperger syndrome should no longer be given as a diagnosis. However, some people continue to describe themselves using this terminology, usually because their diagnosis forms an important part of their identity in a way that is not connected to official diagnostic terminology or its historical context. People who have identified with a diagnosis of Asperger’s throughout their life may find the revelations about Hans Asperger upsetting.上述变化令阿斯伯格综合征不应作为诊断用语。然而,部分人士延续此前的诊断,与该术语不再用作诊断术语或其历史渊源无关,而是更多地将其视作个人身份的某种组成。此时,那些决定一生沿用这一术语的人们可能会对汉斯-阿斯伯格的这一行径感到沮丧。

Last reviewed: June 2023最近修订于2023年6月

来源如下Source: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/what-is-autism/the-history-of-autism/asperger-syndromeAsperger syndrome (Asperger’s) (autism.org.uk)

